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Inspire STEM Education  | Hitachi High-Tech in America

Sparking Curiosity, Shaping Knowledge through Technological Innovations

Caption Three

A New Perspective On STEM

When students hear the word “exploration,” it usually brings images of faraway places, unconquered lands, or deep space. HTA Inspire STEM Education Outreach Program, redefines conventional STEM approaches, helping students explore the unknown. Our range of initiatives, from interactive workshops to mentoring programs, is tailored for students of all ages and backgrounds. Acknowledging educators’ crucial role in shaping young minds, we empower teachers with the tools and techniques needed to make STEM education impactful and enjoyable. Actively engaging with local communities, schools, and industry partners, we foster a collaborative ecosystem for STEM education. Our outreach events, partnerships, and involvement in STEM-related activities contribute to building a strong foundation for the future of STEM. Request SEM

Portability and Easy Operation Make the TM4000 Ideal for Classroom Use

As technology advances, nanotechnology has become extremely important and can be found in every aspect of our lives. Through our outreach program, best practices learned, and teaching tools developed in collaboration with universities, museums, and other great institutions will help you bring this world of all things nano into focus.
The TM4000 Series is a true scanning electron microscope (SEM) with a simple interface any instructor can master. Unlike regular microscopes that use light and lenses, the SEM uses a beam of highly energized electrons for detailed examination of objects— up to 60,000x magnification. Such precision is used by scientists in medicine, nanotechnology research, biology, geology, semiconductors, archaeology, aerospace, forensics, entomology, oceanography, and more.
When Hitachi miniaturized its scanning electron microscope, the company realized that its revolutionary product had novel uses it had not previously considered. The TM4000’s small size and portability meant that the microscope could travel to students rather than having students travel to use it, eliminating geography as a barrier to using the microscope.

There is a huge gap in the need for what’s available for technical talent and what’s going to be required for technical talent in the future. That directly impacts our ability to grow our business or for the scientific community to be able to find solutions to many societal problems.

Craig Kerkove President, Hitachi High-Tech America, Inc.

TM4000 series Microscope, A Focus on STEM Education Empowerment

The TM4000 Series are a true scanning electron microscope (SEM) with a simple interface any instructor can master. Unlike standard microscopes, which use light and lenses, the SEM uses a beam of highly energized electrons to examine objects on a very fine scale — up to 60,000x magnification. Such precision is used by scientists in medicine, nanotechnology research, biology, geology, semiconductors, archaeology, aerospace, forensics, entomology, oceanography, and more.

Inspire your students to be the great innovators.

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Learn about our commitment to boost achievement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in your school.

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Open the world of electron microscopy to your students with these lesson plans and teaching materials.

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Hitachi’s Commitment

Hitachi’s Commitment

Our commitment aligns with Hitachi’s vision of contributing to society through innovation and technological advancements. We are inspiring and empowering the next generation of innovators, problem solvers, and leaders by providing engaging and transformative learning experiences.
